
Experienced in the following


Visual Studios


Snowflake, Looker

Linux (Ubuntu,WSL)

Jfrog Xray, Jfrog Artifactory


AWS (Codecommit, Athena, Secret Managers)

C# (.NET, ASP.NET MVC, Window Forms)

Python (Boto3)


Javascript (jQuery, Bootstrap)

Jenkins, Github Actions


AWS (CDK, CLI, Lambda, VPC, Lake Formation)

AWS (EC2, S3, RDS, IAM, CloudFormation)

Git, Gitbash

GitHub Desktop, Source Tree

Trello, Slack, Mattermost

Microsoft Teams

Jira, Confluence, Bitbucket


DevOps On call experience

AWS (WorkSpaces, CloudTrail, CloudShell)

Self Portfolio

Below are some of my projects that I have produced in my spare time.

GetSpectrumData w/ Subwoofers (C#/Unity)

Custom Car Painting & Automotive Controller/Physics (C#/Unity) (COMING SOON)

Technical Test 2

This project was done as a technical test for a job I applied for and was done using the Unity engine and C#. The test was to get an object to rotate 22.5 degrees on the y axis and to export PNG files to a specfic folder. Even though I didn't get the job, I still was able to make it to the final round of the interview and gained some good coding feedback from the interviewer.

A link to the project can be found: [here]

Learning Docker

Docker being a very popular tool in the DevOps market, I decided to use this [video]

to learn about containers, images and volumes in Docker.

A link to my Docker notes can be found [here]

Schematics Technical Test 1

Using C# and .NET Windows forms, I was to create a MVC bubbletea application using the following schematics that had be provied to me by a company

A link to the project can be found: [here]

C++ Number Guessing Game

Project that I have made in my spare time, that has a console.writeline guessing number game with four different modes

A link to the project can be found: [here]

Results of Technical Test 1

This project was done as a technical test for a job I applied for and was done using C# in Windows form NET. The test was to create a bubble tea website application, using some schematics drawings that we were provided with.

A link to the project can be found: (Coming Soon)

Self Made Website w/ (HTML/CSS)

This was a self made project I did to be able to understand the basics of HTML and CSS, was quite fun to make but needs some javascript as the website looks very early 90's.

A link to the project can be found: [here]

Nmap, Keylogger and Packetfiltering Assignments

Some of the projects that I did throughout my Cybersecurity and Networking Graduate Certificate

A link to the projects can be found: [here]

University Portfolio

Projects that I completed at Queensland University of Technology (QUT) in my degree.


The very first unit I ever took at QUT, we learned how to program using Python with turtle and some web development.

A link to the project can be found: [here]


So for the very first game creation unit, as a team with two others (a business student and another software tech). We created our very first game together which was "Look, no hands!" using Unity and C#. It was based on a bike that goes downhill and picks up speed while the player has to dodge objects. The objects would RNG (random number generator) each time the game would play from a raycast; it was a simple game and was a good start.

Our second game we created together was "Wobble". It was based on the concept of a game show that one of my team mates came up with. The user had to balance on a platform and throw objects to match the shape and colour for additional points. For a simple game with simple models, I found this project quite enjoyable and the result was satisfying.


In this unit we had to create a portfolio and also make a project that would help contriubte to it. I chose to create this website to demonstrate my work to potential employers. Using previous knowledge of HTML, CSS and GitHub Pages I was able to create this website, while also learning and picking up new skills. This website will be something I intend to continue to develop, as I progress my programming career.

The project I chose to create was multiplayer FPS shooter using networking (Photon Pun2) and C# in Unity with a toggleable aimbot.

I really wanted to push myself to get a good outcome and even though I was told by many people that I might have overscoped this project, I continued to progress it. As of 4 November 2020, when I completed the project, the documentation of PhotonPun2 was still rapidly evolving since it was new and a lot of the documentation became out of date. This meant completing the project was challenging. I also learnt that debugging networking code is very difficult, especially with using RPC's (Remote procedure call).

Overall, however, it was a really fun project, even more so because it was challenging. As you can see below there is a video of me testing it with eight other people. I haven't yet published it on WebGl as I still have a couple of bugs to iron out. Time is my latest and greatest challenege!


This unit was about game engine theory; it taught us how to render objects with vertices, matrices, coordinates, vectors and calculus. The assignments were grouped and the unit involved advanced high school Math with programming.


In this unit we were taught how to solve real world problems using gamified technology. Myself and two others came up with the concept of "Savvy Saver", which was an app that rewarded players for doing tasks in real life and rewarded them with credits. These credits could be spent on rewards that the player could choose from; our prototype was built using Adobe XD.


In this unit we learned the basics of C# programming and how to code in visual studios. The assignment was paired programming with another computer science major and we created a board game similar to snakes and ladders.


This unit was about learning algorithms and their time complexity. It also taught us the efficiency of algorithms and how to sort them. The assignment was based around sorting a movie database and searching with a binary tree while utilising a chosen sorting algorithm.


This unit was about learning Python and creating a game of NIM with two players and one AI

The project can be downloaded here: [here]


This unit was a continuation of our team's IGB300 project which finally came to an end in Novemeber 2020 after 28 weeks of development.

7SagesStudios Team

Our project can also be downloaded here: [here]

Note: every asset in this game was made from scratch (C# code, models, sounds, animations etc)


This unit taught us about AI and their behaviors. It included the following concepts: behavior trees, boids and the Greedy & A* path finding algorithms.

A video demo of the first assignment, which incorpated Greedy and the A* algorithm, can be seen below (video does lag a little due to StackOverflow exception error something I will fix when I get time):

A link to the project can be found: [here]

A video demo of the second assignment which had boids, can be seen below:

A link to the project can be found: [here]

On our last assignment our unit coordiantor made a bot tournament and we submitted a custom bot Behaviour tree using PandaBT and C# in Unity. The tournament style was a knockout style, free-for-all death match.

A video can be seen below of my robot in the tournament at the following timestamps: 19:50-24:50: and 31:51-35:51


This unit was a continuation of our team's IGB300 project which finally came to an end in Novemeber 2020 after 28 weeks of development.

By 7SagesStudios Team

Our project can also be downloaded here: [here]

Note: every asset in this game was made from scratch (C# code, models, sounds, animations etc)


Certificate AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner (AWS 2022)

Graduate Certificate in Cyber Security and Networking (MIT 2021-21)

Bachelor of Games and Interactive Environments (Software Technologies) w/: Game Design & Advanced Software Tech (QUT 2018-20)

- GPA: Distinction

Diploma of Game Design (TAFE 2017-17)

My Story

Hi, my name is Christian Milicevic. I’m 23 years old, living in Brisbane, Australia, and I’m an IT alumnus of the Queensland University of Technology. I was born in Sydney but raised in south-east Queensland. One half of my family arrived in Australia in the 1960s from Serbia, with my grandfather working long, hard hours on the original Snow Mountains scheme; the other half have been here since the First Fleet arrived from England (and, yes, one of them came to Australia doing long, hard hours in leg irons).

I come from a family of hard workers and I’ve inherited a strong work ethic, as shown in my resume. I take pride in doing a job properly, efficiently and with integrity. I have a passion for problem solving and finding out how stuff works, particularly as it relates to technology and automation. I enjoy being part of a team and expanding my experience by learning new concepts, skills and incorporating feedback from others. I hope to remain in south-east Queensland and to launch a career in a computer science-related position.

While my bachelor degree major is in Software Technologies, I have no plan to limit myself – I’m keen to make the most of the diverse paths a career in programming can lead to. Please take the time to look at my portfolio and resume, and feel free to contact me at any time using the links below.

Thanks for reading my website!

Blog Posts

16 MAY, 2022

Amazon Interivew 2022/Networking Fundamentals: [View Post Here]

After applying for a cloud engineer associate role at Amazon in Sydney Australia, I was invited to a one on one interivew at online. Unfortunately I didn't get the job but it was a cool and exciting experience to interview for a FAANG company. I hope to reapply one day and get in, I have also attached my networking notes that I studied for the Amazon interivew above.
